پاکستان میں انتخابی سیاست، اسلامی تعلیمات اورممکنہ اصلاحات


  • ڈاکٹر وجاہت خان لیکچرر اسلامیات یونیورسٹی آف کوٹلی آزاد کشمیرwajahat_iiui@yahoo.com
  • سید مدثر علی گردیزی لیکچرر اسلامیات یونیورسٹی آف کوٹلی آزاد کشمیر Syedm1160@gmail.com


This paper examines the current political and electoral system of Pakistan with reference to Islamic political thought. The study has been conducted from a Pakistani perspective; therefore, only the views of Pakistani authors and scholars have been quoted and considered as references. The study reveals that the democratic system has not delivered in Pakistan due to multiple factors. The Election Commission of Pakistan is identified as a contributor to this issue, as it tends to appoint incompetent and inexperienced individuals who are incapable of bringing about major political reforms in the country. The study suggests that the parliamentary democratic system of the country may be replaced with a presidential system, in addition to implementing valuable changes in the electoral process.

Keywords: Shura, Election, Pakistan, Politics, Democracy, President.




How to Cite

ڈاکٹر وجاہت خان, & سید مدثر علی گردیزی. (2024). پاکستان میں انتخابی سیاست، اسلامی تعلیمات اورممکنہ اصلاحات. GUMAN, 7(1), 96–104. Retrieved from http://guman.com.pk/index.php/GUMAN/article/view/694


