A Study in the Light of Inheritance Rules in Surat al-Nisa and Pakistani Court Decisions سورۃ النساء میں احکامِ وراثت اور پاکستانی عدالتی فیصلوں کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ


  • Muhammad Aslam Rubbani Muslim Youth University Islamabad Islamic Institute & Shariah


Inheritance is a broad subject. Which has been mentioned many times in different contexts in the Holy Qur'an. Out of which two concepts i.e. financial inheritance and intellectual inheritance have been mentioned a lot. Since Muslim commentators and jurists have drawn conclusions with great clarity about inheritance. While very little research has come to light regarding heredity. Keeping this need in mind, this paper has tried to highlight its other examples by describing the general meaning of inheritance. The inheritance that is mentioned the most in the Holy Qur'an is "Inheritance leave". In the Shariah rules, only inheritance is a rule that has its own summary distribution. That is, the Almighty God himself has determined the parts of the estate, which is distributed immediately after the death of the owner. On the one hand, distribution of inheritance gives wealth to the rightful ones, on the other hand, the concept of ownership of one person ends. This is the justice of Islam.




How to Cite

Muhammad Aslam Rubbani. (2024). A Study in the Light of Inheritance Rules in Surat al-Nisa and Pakistani Court Decisions سورۃ النساء میں احکامِ وراثت اور پاکستانی عدالتی فیصلوں کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ. GUMAN, 7(1), 216–225. Retrieved from http://guman.com.pk/index.php/GUMAN/article/view/715


