The Causes and Serious Issues Behind Italy's Brain Drain


  • Uzma Batool PhD Scholar from University of Peshawar



A highly controversial matter in the Italian context is scientific migration. Abundant evidence, derived from various sources such as academic studies, news reports, and television programs, supports this assertion.Nevertheless, the term "brain drain" has a specific definition that sets it apart from the more contemporary phrases "brain circulation" or "brain exchange," which are frequently employed to describe the movement of scientists between various European countries. The term "brain drain" refers to the emigration of highly educated individuals from one country to another.This essay utilizes a comparative methodology to explore the fundamental aspects that characterize the phenomenon of scientific mobility in Italy. The objective of this study is to ascertain the reasons that contribute to the emigration of outstanding Italians from their nation, and a method based on comparison will aid in achieving this goal.This study further corroborates previous research findings that participants' perspectives in the MOBEX project have a significant impact on how the media presents the topic being studied. The primary objective of the MOBEX project is to examine the correlation between mobility and quality in fields associated with the physical and natural sciences.This sets the stage for a more comprehensive analysis of the primary barriers linked to scientific mobility in Italy.An exhaustive understanding of the attributes of this particular migration can be achieved by juxtaposing the accounts of migrant scientists with the articles in the media.The primary focus of study lies in the comparison and contrast between these two categories of social agents.




How to Cite

Uzma Batool. (2024). The Causes and Serious Issues Behind Italy’s Brain Drain. GUMAN, 3(2), 21–29.


