The Depiction of Class Conflict in Qurratulain Haider's Novel” Mere Bhi Sanam khane”

قرۃالعین حیدر کے ناول’’ میرے بھی صنم خانے‘‘ میں طبقاتی کشمکش کی عکاسی


  • Rubina Lecturer Urdu GGDC Sheikh Maltoon Mardan



The writer is often referred to as the "eyes of society." Whatever the writer observes in society, they blend with imagination and bring it to the page, presenting various subjects through their creations. In fictional literature, diverse societal themes are found, reflecting different aspects of life. Novels, in addition to other topics, often explore the conflict between different social classes. The shining star of Urdu literature, Qurratulain Haider, has reflected this class conflict in her various works. Her first novel, Mere Bhi Sanam khane, deals with the decline of the upper class due to the Partition of India. In this novel, she has portrayed various social classes. The subject of this research paper is an analysis of the depiction of class conflict in Qurratulain Haider's novel Mere Bhi Sanam khane. The purpose of this research study is to explore how class conflict is expressed in the novel, which classes are represented, and what perspective the author has on these different classes. By using Qualitative research methods, it has been concluded that the author has skillfully portrayed the various social classes of her time in this novel. She highlights the nature of the relationships between these classes, presenting the behaviors and characteristics of characters from different classes, thus bringing forth both the virtues and flaws of that era. The study also examines to what extent the author successfully highlights the existing conflict between these social classes.

Keywords: Qurratulain Haider, Class conflict, Mere Bhi Sanamkhane, Partition of India,                                                                   Depiction of social classes.




How to Cite

Rubina. (2024). The Depiction of Class Conflict in Qurratulain Haider’s Novel” Mere Bhi Sanam khane”: قرۃالعین حیدر کے ناول’’ میرے بھی صنم خانے‘‘ میں طبقاتی کشمکش کی عکاسی. GUMAN, 7(4), 58–65.


