A Sophisticated Research, Critical and Phyclocial Study of Qarat-ul-Ain Haider's Novelette "Sita Haran" قرۃ العین حیدر کے ناولٹ "سیتا ہرن" کا نفیساتی، تحقیقی وتنقیدی مطالعہ


  • Humaira Assistant Professor Department of Urdu Islamia Collage Peshawar
  • Abdur Rashad Associate Professor Higher Education department
  • Afshan Jabeen Lecturer Department of Urdu Malakand University


Quratulain Haider's first novelette "Seeta Haran", published in 1960, is a character based novelette revolving around Seeta Haran’s life. Seeta Haran is a complex modern woman whose collective unconscious is etched with despise and disgust for the opposite gender. she endeavors her whole life to expose male exploitation. This novelette studies , in broad perspective , the psychological wherefores working behind the failed lives of women like Seeta Haran. This article shall psycho analyze Seeta Haran in the framework of Jung’s theory of analytical psychology to bring out factors shaping her antagonistic actions against the opposite gender.




How to Cite

Humaira, Abdur Rashad, & Afshan Jabeen. (2023). A Sophisticated Research, Critical and Phyclocial Study of Qarat-ul-Ain Haider’s Novelette "Sita Haran" قرۃ العین حیدر کے ناولٹ "سیتا ہرن" کا نفیساتی، تحقیقی وتنقیدی مطالعہ. GUMAN, 6(4), 55–62. Retrieved from https://guman.com.pk/index.php/GUMAN/article/view/637


