الاكتئاب وعلاجه في المستشفيات الحكومية ا لباكستانية مقارنا بالإسلام


  • Dr. Wajahat Khan Lecturer Islamic Studies, University of Kotli AJ&K
  • Dr. Muhammad Tahir Assistant Professor Islamic Studies International Islamic University Islamabad


This paper examines psychological methods of remedying depression in Pakistan considering the role of Islamic Teachings.  Interview method has been used in the current study. Interviews have been conducted from the notable psychologists of the country to find out about the psychological treatments of depression. Additionally, to check the tendency of depression among religious people hundred the practicing Muslims have been selected and interviewed. Beck Depression Inventory was used to assess their depression. The study discloses that 27% Pakistani population suffers from mental disorders, 38 % of these patients possess tendencies for depression.500 psychologists have been employed in government service hospitals for treatment of mentally disturbed people. Commonly in the hospitals depressed people are treated with antidepressant medicines. The study found that 85 % Practicing Pakistani Muslims live happy lives without possessing any sort of tendency for depression. But there is a small group of people in the society who practice religion regularly.




How to Cite

Dr. Wajahat Khan, & Dr. Muhammad Tahir. (2023). الاكتئاب وعلاجه في المستشفيات الحكومية ا لباكستانية مقارنا بالإسلام. GUMAN, 6(3), 231–238. Retrieved from https://guman.com.pk/index.php/GUMAN/article/view/666




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