Metaphysical Elements in Ghazliat-i-Quli Qutb Shah
غزلیاتِ قلی قطب شاہ میں مابعد الطبیعیاتی عناصر
Ghazliat-i-Quli Qutb Shah, the collection of ghazals, written by the Persian poet Quli Qutb Shah in the 16th century. His writings portrays metaphysical elements through its themes and imagery. The poet's exploration of deep philosophical concepts and the transcendent nature of love in his work reflects the metaphysical elements. The ghazals in Ghazliat-i-Quli Qutb Shah probe into metaphysical themes, reflecting the poet's contemplation of the nature of existence, the human soul, and the divine. The use of rich symbolism and allegory characterizes Quli Qutb Shah's poetic exploration of metaphysics. Through involved metaphors and mystical imagery, he invites readers to discover hidden truths and seek enlightenment by navigating the realms of metaphysical reality.