Addressing The Issue of Brain Drain in Developing Countries: How Can the Outflow of Skilled Individuals Be Transformed into A Beneficial Acquisition Of Knowledge?

  • Izan Khan Assistant Professor at University of Lahore


The term "brain drain" refers to the worldwide dispersion of medical professionals who seek improved living and working conditions, higher standards of living, enhanced employment opportunities, access to advanced technologies, and more politically stable environments.The problem is becoming increasingly prevalent due to the global consequences of health professionals migrating abroad in search of better opportunities, both inside their own country and internationally, and the effect that this migration has on the healthcare systems of poorer nations.What are the motivations behind individuals with exceptional talents choosing to emigrate from their own country and go to another? What specific effects do these migrations have on the education sector?What measures can be employed to promote migration from less developed countries to more developed countries? The objective of this article is to tackle obstacles, raise awareness about important matters, and offer remedies to promote the involvement of immigrant health professionals in utilizing their knowledge, abilities, and innovative capabilities to contribute to the economic advancement of their respective nations.

How to Cite
Izan Khan. (2024). Addressing The Issue of Brain Drain in Developing Countries: How Can the Outflow of Skilled Individuals Be Transformed into A Beneficial Acquisition Of Knowledge?. GUMAN, 3(2), 12-20. Retrieved from