فکری جہتیں اورشاعر لاہوری ڈاکڑعلامہ محمد اقبالؒ

تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ

  • Ghulam Shabir PhD Scholar, Department of Urdu, NCBA&E sub-Campus Multan
  • Saira Bano PhD Scholar, Department of Urdu, NCBA&E sub-Campus Multan
  • Dr. Muhammad Shakil Pitafi Professor, Department of Urdu, NCBA&E sub-Campus, Multan
  • Dr. Aslam Aziz Durani Professor, Department of Urdu, NCBA&E sub-Campus, Multan



Dr, Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877.1938) Hakeem ul umaat is a Muslim thinker. His poetry is a reflection of the characteristics of the Muslim Ummah and practical explanations and priorities. Allama Muhammad Iqbal is called Hakeem.ul. umaat because in his thoughts a unique modern ideological diversity emerges with religious and mystical حکمی و عرفانی issues and linguistic paradoxes, which gives Iqbal a prominent position among poets. Kalam e Iqbal is completely and purest form of religious and mystical issues and revolutionary thoughts. In his thought, Iqbal has derived his philosophy of self-political, economic, civil, social, cultural, religious, educational and training variations from his spiritual and mystical insight. Generally. poets the original field of passion is limited to thinking, but the specialty of Iqbal, s speech is this, that in it , strategy and practical mysticism emerge in every aspect. Because in Kalam e Iqbal the wise points have been melted in the furnace of emotions and molded in to authenticity and passion, and such truths are revealed which are also felt and these views. But the extent of the process is also clear, In this article, the ruling and mystical issues of Hukmee and irfani , the philosopher, poet, have been discussed in the poetry of Iqbal Lahori , and the review of some important poems regarding the linguistic diversity of OWZAAN and BAHOOR has been taken in to consideration. Poet of Lahore has enlightened not only the indian sub.continent but also the muslim Ummah with fresh thoughts. What aspects of modern post neo demographic trends can be derived in Allama,s poetry? In this light of Quran and Hadith, Iqbal has shaped the moral and character of every person of every age. No doubt, Allama Iqbal ia a genius creature in Muslim Ummah.

Keywords: Characteristics, modern, ideological, diversity, religious, mystical, linguistic,

Paradoxes, revolutionary, spiritual, insight, molded, OWZAAN, BAHOOR, Enlightened, neo demographic, aspects.

How to Cite
Ghulam Shabir, Saira Bano, Dr. Muhammad Shakil Pitafi, & Dr. Aslam Aziz Durani. (2024). فکری جہتیں اورشاعر لاہوری ڈاکڑعلامہ محمد اقبالؒ . GUMAN, 7(3), 101-122. Retrieved from https://guman.com.pk/index.php/GUMAN/article/view/823