Integrating Digital Literacy in English Language Education: Challenges and Opportunities in Pakistan
This research examines how digital literacy can be incorporated into English language teaching and learning in Pakistan, particularly regarding the prospects and tensions involved. With the advancement in the use of technologies in teaching and learning, it has become essential to establish ways of improving students’ digital literacy so that they can adopt their literacy skills. However, Pakistan’s educational environment has multiple challenges, such as the absence of a digital environment, insufficient teacher preparation, and the gaps caused by socio-economic differentiation. Nevertheless, the study reveals profound learner-centered opportunities for the enhancement of teaching English to learners, participating in the use of ICT in the learning-teaching process, which positively affects learners’ thinking and can widen their exposure to different materials. The study also underlines the need for specific policies, innovations in infrastructures, and training schemes for educators to introduce digital literacy as part and parcel of English language teaching and learning and to eradicate the digital divide and enhance the learning achievements of students in Pakistan.