Animal is a Symbolic Character in Majeed Amjad's Poems مجید امجد کی نظم میں جانور بطور علامتی کردار


  • Humaira Assistant Professor Department of Urdu Islamia Collage Peshawar
  • Afshan Jabeen Lecturer Department of Urdu Malakand University
  • Safdar Ali Shah Assistant Professor in Urdu at govt College Ghazi District Haripor KPK


As far as modern Urdu poetry is concerned, Majeed Amjad is widely regarded as a multi-faceted, universal, and leading poet. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine and x-ray the psychological and cultural dimensions of his characters inspired by and taken from nature. Majeed Amjad has created a magnificent pageant of characters using the phenomena of nature as his ultimate inspiration and muse. And thereby, he has interpreted the obvious and hidden aspects of life in such a manner that makes us realize that nature is an inexhaustible and incredible treasure trove of sympathy, love, freedom, struggle for survival, knowledge, and wisdom. Majeed Amjad, as if to very profound psychological evolution, is completely lost in his characters. His poetry affords us an everlasting and ever-relevant lesson: we can be eternally in touch with the higher reality only by living in the very heart of nature and by living in perfect harmony with nature.




How to Cite

Humaira, Afshan Jabeen, & Safdar Ali Shah. (2023). Animal is a Symbolic Character in Majeed Amjad’s Poems مجید امجد کی نظم میں جانور بطور علامتی کردار. GUMAN, 6(3), 19–26. Retrieved from


