مغربی طرز زندگی اور مسلم خاندانی نظام پر اس کے اثرات : منتخب مسلم مفکرین کی آراءکی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ
During the nineteenth century, there was a period of secularism and modernization in the Western world that persisted until the latter half of the twentieth century. Its impacts extended to religious beliefs and societal norms. One of the objectives of this movement was to question religion and religious beliefs. was Its impact extended to religious beliefs and lifestyle, in addition to its impacts on the economy and politics. During the 19th and 20th centuries, this lifestyle was widely spread globally through Western colonialism and mass media. The Western intellectual invasion impacted individuals from many backgrounds and religious beliefs. The impacts of this civilization and culture are also evident within the Muslim community.
Key words: Western way of life, Muslim family system and research review