Stereotypical Representation of a Woman: A Study of a Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini

  • Nabeela Gul* Lecturer in English, Department of English Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology, Pakistan
  • Shahid Iqbal M. PHIL English Literature Riphah International University Lahore


The current study is to investigate how Afghan women are socially and religiously excluded and repressed. It also demonstrates how resilient women can be in the face of abuse and how their repressed bodies can empower other women. The text of Khalid Hosseini's book A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007) serves as the primary source of research data. Additionally, it was gathered from secondary sources such as reviews and articles that are listed in the reference list. Using content analysis, the chosen text is examined within the theoretical context of Spivak's (1988) notion of subaltern.The study breaks down the battles fought by oppressed women to survive and break free from the crushing bonds of violence and repression. As the underclass, Nana, Mariam, and Laila are aware of the concept of "endurance" despite their poor living circumstances. They demonstrate their level of resistance before banding together to oppose societal prominence.Mariam, the harami, gives her life in order to protect Laila, and Laila goes on to become the voice of her generation, one that will speak up against the mindset of the underclass. This study provides a "Yes" response to the question "Can the subaltern speak?" by utilizing Spivak's idea of subaltern. It sends a message that subaltern groups will cease to exist if they band together and resist unfair norms; this will also apply to academics and researchers.Because it examines literature that tells the stories of practically every household and location on Earth, the study stands out. Even with advancements in women's rights, the feminine gender remains subjugated. It also exposes the practices of forced or child marriages, gender-biased educational systems, the legal system, and gender inequity.

Keywords: Endurance, Marginalization, Patriarchal Society, Subaltern, Violence.

How to Cite
Nabeela Gul*, & Shahid Iqbal. (2024). Stereotypical Representation of a Woman: A Study of a Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini. GUMAN, 7(3), 123-137. Retrieved from